Other voices, other Russias
The proposal «Other Russias» aims to be a vindication of the anti-war Russian culture and an act of affirmation of the Russian cultural translation opposed to totalitarianisms and wars. On this occasion, the CCCB brings together several figures from exile to discuss Russian culture, its relationship and shared values with European culture and the ravages of the return of the war in Europe, also for culture.
Victoria Lomasko
Portrait and story
The graphic artist and activist Victoria Lomasko, winner of the Veu Lliure 2022 Prize awarded by the PEN Català, talks to the illustrator Nadia Hafid about her creative universe, a story in which she makes visible the "Other Russias".
Maria Stepanova
In memory of memory
The poet and essayist Maria Stepanova, one of the great figures of contemporary Russian literature, talks with the translator and curator of Other Voices, Other Russias, Jorge Ferrer about her work, a reflection on history and the mechanisms of memory.
Anna Starobínets
Uses of the imagination
The novelist Anna Stabironets, one of the most outstanding authors of the new generation of Russian writers of fantastic fiction, talks to the writer Roser Cabré-Verdiell about the trade of explaining the imaginable and also the unimaginable.
Ludmila Ulitskaya and Vladimir Sorokin
History, novel, print
The history of Russia is also the history of a desire to remain at the center of the universal story. The successive vicissitudes of this will —the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, post-communist Russia— affect and are inscribed in the lives and literary works. Ulitskaya and Sorokin, ...