Agitprop. Art as a weapon of combat in the cinema of Santiago Álvarez and Travis Wilkerson
The CCCB's cinema
Agitprop film combines agitation and propaganda. In the 1930s, documentaries of this type aimed to influence public opinion. Santiago Álvarez and, later, Travis Wilkerson remained faithful to this spirit of provocation for transforming reality. Agitating, creating levels of awareness, counter-informing and mobilising, as Santiago Álvarez said, “without lowering art or preaching pedagogy”.
Jorge Tur Moltó introduces "Agitprop. Art as a weapon of combat in the cinema of Santiago Álvarez and Travis Wilkerson"
Agitprop film combines agitation and propaganda. In the 1930s, documentaries of this type aimed to influence public opinion. Santiago Álvarez and, later, Travis Wilkerson remained faithful to this spirit of provocation for transforming reality.
Xcèntric. Programme March - April 2017
José Rodríguez Soltero, Maria Klonaris & Katerina Thomadaki, Kerry Laitala, Bruce Conner, Travis Wilkerson, Laida Lertxundi, Thom Andersen, Morgan Fisher, Ju Anqi, Nicolas Humbert, Werner Penzel, Bruce Weber, Eduardo Williams are some of the filmmakers featured in our programme March - April 2017 of Xcèntric.