Xcèntric's 20th anniversary
On 4 November 2001 Xcèntric, the CCCB's cinema, held its first ever screening: a retrospective of the cult filmmaker Kenneth Anger, launching a regular programme of screenings dedicated to experimental and artists' films, an unprecedented event in the city of Barcelona. Exactly 20 years and thousands of films later, we're celebrating the anniversary of Xcèntric with a series of screenings, performances and talks to pay tribute to cinema as a collective experience, to the survival of photochemical film, and to the profession of the projectionist, as well as necessarily reflecting on the present and future of cinema in the digital era.
Gloria Vilches. An introduction to experimental cinema
Gloria Vilches, coordinator of Xcèntric Cinema, presents experimental cinema and the keys to understand the value of a personal, vanguard and artistic cinema. Created in 2001, Xcèntric is the CCCB’s regular film programme, with regular screenings throughout the winter and ...