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Climate Change

The Sea as a Border

Lecture by Philip Hoare


In this second lecture of the series "Inhabiting the world", Philip Hoare, author of Leviathan, or the Whale, discusses the ocean's mystery and how the sea acts as a border for migrants.

The ocean remains the most unknown and unexplored area of our planet. It is wrapped in a strangeness and mystery that attracts our imagination and conjures our deepest fears. The vastness of the sea suggests that the dividing line between human and natural history is premised on the impulse to master what lies beyond our control.

In this lecture, Philip Hoare departs from the notion of the sea as a border, and reflects on the hope it offers migrants, the terror it brings and how the whale is freighted with all the meanings underlying our separation from natural world.

Presenters: Imma Muñoz

Participants: Philip Hoare

This activity is part of Inhabiting the World, Climate Change

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Philip Hoare

The Sea as a Border

In this lecture, the writer Philip Hoare departs from the notion of the sea as a border, and reflects on the hope it offers migrants, the terror it brings and how the whale is freighted with all the meanings underlying our separation from natural world.

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Anna Punsoda

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