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Possibilities for dialogue

An encounter with Jan Švankmajer, the Quay brothers and Léona-Béatrice Martin-Starewitch, granddaughter of Ladislas Starewitch


The lecture series “In Another World” opens with a conversation between Jan Švankmajer, the Quay brothers, Léona-Béatrice Martin-Starewitch, granddaughter of Ladislas Starewitch, and Carolina López, curator of the exhibition.

«Metamorphosis» rediscovers a set of artists of radical imagination situated at the fringe of prevailing discourse. These lectures will allow audiences to re-read and contextualise their subversive potential in the present-day framework.

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Jan Švankmajer, the Quay brothers and Léona-Béatrice Martin-Starewitch

Possibilities for dialogue

The exhibition "Metamorphosis: Starewitch, Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers", curated by the experimental film specialist Carolina López Caballero, presented the work of four essential figures of animated cinema. With this meeting, these authors are discussed in the first person ...

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Interview with Carolina López Cabellero

Curator of "Metamorphosis"

The exhibition "Metarmorphosis", curated by Carolina López, an experimental cinema  expert, presents the works of four key figures in the field of animated films. In this interview, the curator talks about the four authors and about the importance of their work in the history of art.

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