OVNI 2009
Festivals + Audiovisuals
By means of videos, interventions and debates, OVNI 2009 Rhizomes presents two themes for reflection: a social and cultural critique that leads to more equitable, less aggressive forms of social organization, and an inner re-reading that questions the way in which human beings interpret themselves. These two branches involve a revision of collection imaginaries such as wellbeing, wealth, happiness, safety...
OVNI - The archives of the Observatori de Vídeo No Identificat are intentional and thematic: the intention is to offer a critique of contemporary society, using different strategies such as video art, independent documentaries and the archaeology of the mass media. They represent an interpretation, a particular register of the dreams and nightmares of our times.
OVNI 2009 Rhizomes"Rhizome is a system with no centre, hierarchies or meanings, with no general and no organizational memory or central automatism, defined solely by a circulation of states."
By means of videos, interventions and debates, OVNI 2009 Rhizomes presents a body of reflection of two themes we consider inseparable. The first is a social and cultural critique that seeks more equitable, less aggressive forms of social organization, that uses more diverse ways of seeing to look at the conflicts we are experiencing and helps us to foresee or discover other ways of understanding work, housing, community and communication. The second is a search, an inner experience, that questions the way in which human beings interpret themselves... These two branches involve a revision of collective imaginaries such as wellbeing, wealth, happiness, safety, knowledge...
OVNI 2009 Rhizomes sets out to highlight the hidden, rhizomatic contacts that communicate worlds and experiences that are formally and nominally very different.
Interventions and open debates:
John Zerzan
The critique of civilization. Green Anarchy
Espai en Blanc
Decent is everything worth not destroying
In the face of the crisis of growth: degrowth
Abdelnur Prado
Islam as mystic anarchism
Alberto Arce
Gaza. Wiped off the Map
OVNI Archives
During the screenings, 15 consultation units will provide access to the entire archive, a body of some 2000 audiovisual documents.
This activity is part of OVNI