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ISEA2022 Barcelona

Olga Goriunova

Abstract people and model characters

Debate + Festivals

Free with pre-booking

Expanding the program open to the public, the CCCB, the epicenter of  ISEA2022 Barcelona, hosts the keynote speech of Olga Goriunova, academic and curator in the fields of digital arts and cultures.

When data analytics abstracts people today, it follows some of the routines of statistics. However, understanding statistics paired with machine learning technologies is not enough to grasp what these newly abstracted people are like and what they do to us. This talk engages with these processes to show how model frameworks and idealising setups are used to delineate data-crunching in cultural, political and aesthetic terms. Ideal people and model characters are results of the work of collective imaginaries and the exercise of power beyond computing. Their embodiment of a return of the ideal calls for a re-think of our time in history.

Expanding the program open to the public, the CCCB, the epicenter of the International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA2022 Barcelona) host four keynote speeches at its Theater by leading figures in their respective fields: Olga Goriunova, academic and curator in the fields of digital arts and cultures; Joan Fontcuberta, internationally renowned photographer and conceptual artist; Christl Baur, head of the prestigious Ars Electronica Festival; and Ricard Solé, expert in complex systems analysis and synthetic biology.

Moderators: Pau Alsina

Participants: Olga Goriunova

This activity is part of ISEA2022 Barcelona

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