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Grec. Festival de Barcelona

La plaça del Diamant

Written by Mercè Rodoreda. Directed by Carlota Subirós

Friends of the CCCB

Exclusive for Friends of the CCCB

At the Teatre Grec, you will enjoy one of the essential works of our cultural imaginary, as we plunge into the universe of Mercè Rodoreda, with a contemporary reading from director Carlota Subirós.

La plaça del Diamant [The Time of the Doves] is not only one of the best-known Catalan novels; it is also one of 20th century Europe’s essential works and a universal creation. The novel portrays the experiences of a working-class woman in the Barcelona neighbourhood of Gràcia, during the Second Republic, the war and the misery of Franco's regime. The protagonist has so much weight in this production that she is played by not one, but eleven actresses of different ages and profiles, in a kind of scenic and feminine kaleidoscope that reveals nuance and shows us contrasts in Natàlia's life, while also alluding to our own lives and those of our mothers and our grandmothers. Because, how are women's experiences transmitted and transformed from one generation to the next? A contemporary perspective and live music performed by the composer Clara Aguilar are some of the other key points in a show that is a real theatrical challenge. We are presented with the universal experience of a woman, from distress and near madness to the recognition of her own identity and the acceptance of the present.

This activity is part of Grec. Festival de Barcelona

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