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Interior Screen

Interior Screen 2020: "Asparagus" by Suzan Pitt



Interior Screen is a programme of screenings in the foyer of the CCCB, devoted to artists who use cinema as an instrument to express the world of dreams or the imagination. This August we present the animated film Asparagus by Suzan Pitt.

After several years of work, the American animator and painter Suzan Pitt finished this hand-painted film in 1978, a milestone in her career and in the history of animation. It’s a unique audiovisual experience in which Pitt takes us on a hallucinogenic journey through her psyche, through the intricate flora of female sexuality and the lush jungle of creative impulse. Reason is disarmed by the power of disturbing images, embedded in the sensuality of the subconscious. A film described by the critic Jim Hoberman like “Meshes of the Afternoon [by Maya Deren] recast in the post-lysergic style of Yellow submarine”.

Asparagus, Suzan Pitt, USA, 1979, 35 mm, 18 minutes [loop, digital projection]


More information on the film:

- article by Elena Duque, experimental animation specialist

- text by filmmaker Laida Lertxundi published in the book Xcèntric. 45 films against the grain (CCCB, 2006)

Directors: Suzan Pitt

This activity is part of Interior Screen, Xcèntric 2020

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"Asparagus" by Suzan Pitt

Elena Duque

In the occasion of the screening of the film Asparagus (Suzan Pitt, 1979) during this month of August in the hall of the CCCB, we publish this article by Elena Duque, filmmaker and specialist in experimental animation. 

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