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@CCCB, Albert Uriach, 2022

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I’m from El Raval

El Raval explained by its young people


Free with pre-booking

This activity forms part of the big local festival of El Raval and proposes an itinerary through the neighbourhood from the view point of its adolescents. The tour ends with two video clips created by the young people themselves during the CCCB’s Urban Explorations 2022 project.

Five young people talk about the way they live in and experience the neighbourhood. A walk through their daily lives, their memories, the spaces that represent them and others that are, for them, a boundary. A cartography of the adolescent experience and imaginary that allows us to discover the Raval neighbourhood and the city from another point of view.

This itinerary is the product of the Urban Explorations project organized in the 2021-2022 academic year by the CCCB and Androna Cultura with pupils in the fourth year of compulsory secondary education at Miquel Tarradell secondary school. The tour ends in the Raval Gallery of the CCCB with the screening of the two video clips made by the students about El Raval.

Activity organized by the CCCB, Institut Miquel Tarradell and Androna Cultura with the collaboration of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Starting point: Les Tres Xemeneies Gardens (Avinguda del Paral·lel)

Presenters: Androna Cultura

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