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Stories about social inequalities, difficult times, the pressure of money and its pursuit which make us think about new approaches and possibilities, the emergence of rhythms, feelings, exchanges, resistance. After each cut, break, stop, in life and cinema we must imagine and make the next step forward or shot, a new action.

Cinema has shown how money stimulates fictions and makes the faces of the characters react: greed, desires and other attractions. This is a cycle on ordinary people and small communities, viewed from the popular, poetic and chaotic intensity of cinema as subversion against the way money stifles freedom of individuals.



1st Week

Tuesday 2 August

Adiós Dinero, ¡ahí te pudras! Produced by Gandules ‘11! PREMIÈRE
Félix Pérez-Hita, 2011, 8’, OV, video

Work against Money/money from a text by Agustín García Calvo and other materials.

Tokyo Sonata PREMIÈRE
Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2008, 119’, OV Spanish Subtitles, 35mm

On what a man, a family, a society, an economic system hides. Fired from work due to the competition of labour from China, Ryuhei conceals this situation to his family, making devastating tensions and conflicts emerge. If the Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa surprised the world with his supernatural stories, now the overlap of facts reveals a no less dark human nature.

Wednesday 3 de August

The Go-Between
Joseph Losey, 1971, 118’, OV Spanish Subtitles, 35mm

Leo's initiation story draws a picture of the terrible class relations in English high society of the early twentieth century and its unhealthy consequences, but also the passion of love. Leo spends a summer with an upper-class family that welcomes but also despises him. Through his eyes, we will discover the furtive love between Mary, a girl from this wealthy family, and Ted, a neighbouring farmer, for whom Leo is as a kind of messenger, carrying their secret correspondence. As in The servant, also with a screenplay by Harold Pinter, Losey travels the space "in-between." Palme d'Or at Cannes.

Thursday 4 August

Vivre sa vie
Jean-Luc Godard, 1962, 80’, VOSE Catalan Subtitles, 35mm

Like all of Godard's films, an investigation discovers many others: the inquiry into prostitution, the hymn to the mystery of a face; the story of Nana, and of the French society of the sixties; the acute thinking on transactions, a question about language and responsibility; dream, disenchantment; the tribute to the great cinema, one of the most beautiful portraits made by a filmmaker to his wife and actress. Surely, one of Godard’s most perfect films and also one of the most mysterious.

2nd Week

Tuesday 9 August

Children of the Beehive PREMIÈRE
Hiroshi Shimizu, 1948, 86’, OV Spanish Subtitles, 35mm

One of the great masters of Japanese cinema, Shimizu was the last to be discovered in the West. Children of the Beehive, one of his highlights, follows the journey of some orphan children, barefoot and hungry, who go through the country with a young soldier, crossing the desolate landscapes of post-war Japan. This film about survival and hope is full of lyricism, tenderness and even humour. Its realism, similar to that of Rossellini, makes it one of the best films of the period.

Wednesday 10 August

35 Rhums
Claire Denis, 2008, 100’, OV Spanish Subtitles, 35mm

Claire Denis's style, vibrant and energetic, has never been as calm as in 35 Rhums; she has never before shot so smoothly deep emotions. Lionel is an immigrant, he works as an underground train driver and is about to retire; his twenty-year-old daughter, Josephine, lives with him in an apartment in the suburbs of Paris and falls in love with Noé; Gabrielle, a neighbour, thinks of Lionel as the man in her life. The film follows their days at work, at home, at some memorable nights of bars, full of affections, gestures and songs. A warm and subtle portrait of life in the so-called periphery. Soundtrack by Tindersticks.

Thursday 11 August

Foreign Parts
Véréna Paravel, J. P. Sniadecki, 2010, 80’, OV Spanish Subtitles, DigiBeta

Willets Point is an area of Queens, New York, about to be evicted to build a new baseball field. There are no sidewalks or pavement, or sewage. The population is multiethnic and from different origins -newcomers and old New Yorkers; Latinos and Russians-, and lives on the edge of legality, from car pieces and the reuse of what society rejects. The film follows the thread of some of its residents -immigrants, drug addicts, homeless- who make up a vibrant community. Foreign Parts has won at Locarno and Point of View (Pamplona) Festivals. 

3rd Week

Tuesday 16 August

El círculo rojo
Jean-Pierre Melville, 1970, 131’, OV Spanish Subtitles, 35mm

Melville shoots a masterpiece thriller and the most refined vision of a genre that he stylized to film the excitement of rituals, ethical codes, fate and its tragic characters. Voge escapes from the train where he is travelling in custody of the police inspector Mattei; Corey, another offender, leaves prison. When the two of them meet, they plan a meticulous jewelry robbery with the help of Jansen, an alcoholic former policeman, while the police inspector Mattei begins their long prosecution.

Wednesday 17 August

Kent MacKenzie, 1961, 72’, OV Spanish Subtitles, 35mm

The Exiles, one of the most singular independent American films, was restored and rediscovered in 2008. In parallel with Casavettes, McEnzie makes up a piece of fiction from the stories of the protagonists and their friends -a group of young Native Americans in a district of Los Angeles-. Exiles from the reservations in the south, they dance, drink, go out, flirt and assume (rightly or wrongly) their path to maturity. The film does not only document their lives but also a new freer way of making movies according to their purposes: real spaces, found light, fragments of life.

Thursday 18 August

The Boot Factory
Lech Kowalski, 2000, 87’, OV Spanish Subtitles, DVCam

“Imagine the Sex Pistols made boots instead of music”, says the filmmaker Kowalski. The Boot Factory is a film full of energy. Lukasz, Piotr and Wojtek, marginal punks, have experienced prison and drugs, but now they run their own handcrafted boot factory as if they were rock stars, living according to their own rules in the suburbs of Krakow; their friends visit them; at parties they drink, sing anarchist songs and take drugs; they talk about music and punk music sounds. The main conflict of the working group will be, precisely, the success of their business.

Metamorfosis del Capital Produced by Gandules ‘11! PREMIÈRE
Artur Tort, 2011, 5', OV

Money causes unexpected changes in men. Those who aspire to great wealth become prisoners of their own grand gestures. Exiled to an island, the lonely Emperor, a former owner of a large fortune, now contemplates the desert landscape around him.

Directors: Claire Denis, Jean-Luc Godard, Lech Kowalski, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Joseph Losey, Kent MacKenzie, Jean-Pierre Melville, Véréna Paravel, Fèlix Pérez-Hita, J. P. Sniadecki, Hiroshi Shimizu, Artur Tort

This activity is part of Gandules 2011, Gandules

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