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Xcèntric. 2007-2008


REvisions of experimental cinema


We inaugurate this month of May with the course REvisions of experimental cinema. This initiative of Xcèntric, the CCCB’s cinema, is aimed at further study of experimental, avant-guard and independent cinema.


REvisions of experimental cinema

This is a theoretical course which aims to comprehend, reflect on and question the Official Written History of Avant-guard and Experimental Cinema, with the help of other voices which have surfaced thanks to the contextual revision of the works and structures that make this/these small scale history/histories possible.

The contents of the course take the form of a transversal route along all the invisible paths which, starting from an open dialogue with the students, will help us to create a more solid geography of the terrain of this type of cinema. Revising and reformulating its terminology, historical classification, bibliography, production infrastructure, programming, distribution, exhibition, restoration, museum appearances, archives, the creation of canons…

The course is aimed at film makers, investigators, doctoral students, students and those interested in experimental cinema.




Session 1. Monday, 5th May. 18:00 – 21:00

Introduction, presentations, inauguration.

Xcèntric Archive and bibliography.

Session 2. Wednesday 7th May. 18:00 – 21:00

Joan M. Minguet Batllori

The other face of historical avant-guards. Narration as an obstacle. The dialogue between experimentation and industrial cinema.

Session 3. Tuesday 13th May. 18:00 – 21:00 

Josetxo Cerdán

Without barriers or labels: the audiovisual of the senses and sensations at the end of the state monopolies.

Session 4. Wednesday 14th May. 18:00 – 21:00 

Marcelo Expósito

The policies of intertwining video, cinema and television (or the fierce intertextuality of image).

Session 5. Monday 19th May. 18:00 – 21:00

David Gerstein and Miguel Fernández Labayen

North American cinema after the Second World War.

Distribution bodies. The canon.

The magazine Film Culture: its influence and its environment.

Educational areas, the transmission of knowledge.

Session 6. Monday 26th May. 18:00 – 21:00

Esperança Collado

The environment of Paracinema.

An alternative genealogy of film between art and avant-guard cinema, and the ubiquity of the cinema in all forms of contemporary art.

Session 7. Wednesday, 28th May. 18:00 – 21:00

María Morata

Images in movement in exhibition areas.
Distribution and availability of experimental cinema today.

Alternative festivals and circuits.

Session 8. Monday, 2nd June. 18:00 – 21:00

Andrés Hispano

New forms of audiovisual consumption. The fragility and identity of formats.

The history of the screen.

Session 9. Wednesday, 4th June. 18:00 – 21:00

Carolina López 

Exhibition areas, programming and the figure of the film curator.

Session 10. Monday, 9th June. 18:00 – 21:00

Presentation of exercises.

Conclusions. Course closure.

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