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Antiracist Feminisms

Dialogues, readings, debates


On the occasion of the publication of Feminismos antirracistas: Relecturas para el siglo XXI (Antiracist Feminisms: Re-readings for the 21st Century, Icaria, 2024), this session presents a discussion about key policies, practices, debates, and readings for understanding antiracist feminisms and their politics of social transformation.

Antiracist feminisms present Eurocentric logics of knowledge as a problem, and emphasise the importance of re-signifying language. They challenge coloniality and the violence it entails for Black, racialised individuals and minoritised groups that do not fit the ideal of whiteness.

In this framework of critical feminist thought, María Teresa Vera-Rojas, lecturer at the University of the Balearic Islands and expert in cultural and gender studies, and antiracist feminisms, and Iki Yos Piña Narváez, artist and researcher of anticolonial memories and resistance of the Black Caribbean, invite critical reflection in this discussion with Marta Segarra, research director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research and at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Paris). The aim of these re-readings is to shape an ethics that aspires to new ways of living together in which reflection on the interactions of race and gender is present in both theoretical discourse and in the institutional sphere.

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