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Feminist Film Manifestos

An animita for Casanova Street

Feminist Film Manifestos VIII

Courses and workshops + Audiovisuals

Free with pre-booking

In this workshop, given by nucbeade, we'll work on recovering the memory of the sex-gender dissidents who were confined at the facilities of the Board for the Protection of Women, a Francoist institution that is still largely unknown today.

"The re-education system varies; not all of the women need psychiatric treatment: electroshock, pills..., I also have the collaboration of a wonderful psychiatrist who comes here once a month. I give her a report on each of the girls and I'm very happy because my report always coincides with her diagnosis".

("La rendibilitat del pecat" (The profit of sin), article published in Primera Plana magazine, 1977).

In this workshop we'll work on recovering the memory of the sex-gender dissidents who were confined at the facilities of the Board for the Protection of Women, including those at 65 Casanova Street. Through the collective construction of an animita (an altar set up in the street to celebrate the memory of someone who has died or disappeared in tragic circumstances), our aim is to think about the objects we'd like to share with those people, as well as the narrative and affective power they imply.

Participants: nucbeade

This activity is part of Feminist Film Manifestos

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