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Gandules'14 - Gas Natural Fenosa




Philippe Lioret

2009, France, 35 mm, 110’, Spanish subtitles
Berlinale – Panorama Section: Ecumenical Jury Prize, Europa Cinemas Label Prize

Bilal, a 17-year-old from Iranian Kurdistan, has crossed the Middle East and Europe to be with his girlfriend, who recently immigrated to England. However, his journey comes to a halt in France when he reaches the English Channel. Bilal decides to make the 32-kilometre crossing by swimming it and starts training in the local swimming pool. There he meets Simon, a swimming teacher in the process of getting a divorce. In an effort to win back his wife, Simon is prepared to risk everything by offering to protect Bilal.

Aller et retour
Núria Monjo Pastor

2012, Spain, video, 2’ 13”, VO (ca) S (fr)
Finalist of the Short Film Competition Gandules'14

The economic situation in which we live has made us nomads again. We go from city to city, country to country, in search of work. Always provisional and temporary, hoping that some day we’ll put down roots somewhere.

See the complete programme of Gandules'14 - Gas Natural Fenosa. This August you will also find in Filmin’s website a great selection of films based on the topic Away from Home.

This activity is part of Gandules'14 - Gas Natural Fenosa, Gandules

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