
Thursday 19 October, 18:30

Vladimir Arsenijevi? and Tatjana Groma?a

Far from Acceptance, Far from Repentance

Two intertwined essays about the post-war situation in ex-Yugoslavia - Croatia as well as Serbia today. What are the fundamental "opinion models", those that are both expected and respected in these two societies?


Some words about usual upbringing, education, the connection between pop culture and politics, about the church taking over the ultimate role in society. What is today's attitude towards the Serbian minority in Croatia, especially in territories which were caught up in the war? And what is today's attitude towards Croats and Croatia in Serbia? What happened to the majority of "mixed" Serbo-Croatian marriages that survived the war and how do we communicate with each other today? What happened to refugees: people of Serbian nationality who abandoned Croatia and their existence there, and went on to live in Serbia? What about the treatment of these problems in art: how are they dealt with in Croatia and how in Serbia?