
From 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Mínima Común Institución

At this time of generalized crisis in contemporary society, collective creation is emerging not just as an option; it is a real need. This situation has modified cultural institutions, which find themselves—or at least should do—obliged to adapt their programmes accordingly.

Mínima Común Institución (MCI) is a project of the CCCB coordinated by Yproductions, along with Sitesize, La Fundició and Espai en Blanc. MCI explores the possibility of experiencing a “minimum space” in which to negotiate, contextualize and activate processes of critical research in close collaboration with the cultural institution.

This first public activity of MCI includes the participation of YProductions, Sitesize, La Fundició, Espai en Blanc, Can Batlló, Museo Reina Sofía, La Casa Invisible and Kunstverein Stuttgart.


Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, YProductions
Other credits:
With the participation of: Sitesize, La Fundició, Espai en Blanc, Can Batlló, Museo Reina Sofía, La Casa Invisible and Kunstverein Stuttgart.