Books and audiovisuals related to Xcentric activities and programmes.
Breus Touching the ImagesThe Cinema of the Xcèntric Archive
“In most of these films, as a result of small-scale or homemade shoots, a sense of intimacy is revealed that is typical of the autobiography, but in which creative gestures become a critical pedagogy of the images and an ars poetica of the medium and of visual thinking.”
The exhibition cataloguesXcèntric.45 pel·lícules contra direcció
In 2006, the CCCB celebrated the fifth anniversary of Xcentric, the Centre’s regular film and video programme, with three big events: the exhibition “THAT’S NOT ENTERTAINMENT! Film answers Film” (from 22 December 2006 to 18 March 2007), the opening of the Xcentric Archive and the publication Xcèntric. 45 pel·lícules contra direcció.
Audiovisual publications Del éxtasis al arrebato.Un recorrido por el cine experimental español [A Journey through Spanish Experimental Cinema]
2-DVD set designed as a catalogue of this travelling film cycle. DEL ÉXTASIS AL ARREBATO, 50 años del otro cine español A meticulous edition produced jointly by Cameo I, containing a selection of Spanish experimental film, from the 1950s to the present day.