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  • Xpanded. Publications


Books and audiovisuals related to Xcentric activities and programmes.

  • Breus Touching the ImagesThe Cinema of the Xcèntric Archive

    “In most of these films, as a result of small-scale or homemade shoots, a sense of intimacy is revealed that is typical of the autobiography, but in which creative gestures become a critical pedagogy of the images and an ars poetica of the medium and of visual thinking.”

  • The exhibition cataloguesXcèntric.45 pel·lícules contra direcció

    In 2006, the CCCB celebrated the fifth anniversary of Xcentric, the Centre’s regular film and video programme, with three big events: the exhibition “THAT’S NOT ENTERTAINMENT! Film answers Film” (from 22 December 2006 to 18 March 2007), the opening of the Xcentric Archive and the publication Xcèntric. 45 pel·lícules contra direcció.

  • Audiovisual publications Del éxtasis al arrebato.Un recorrido por el cine experimental español [A Journey through Spanish Experimental Cinema]

    2-DVD set designed as a catalogue of this travelling film cycle. DEL ÉXTASIS AL ARREBATO, 50 años del otro cine español A meticulous edition produced jointly by Cameo I, containing a selection of Spanish experimental film, from the 1950s to the present day.