
Friday 15 March, 19:00

A.G. Porta, Jorge Herralde, Jaume Vallcorba, Juan Antonio Masoliver Ródenas

Roberto Bolaño: The Gestation of a Myth - debate

A writer and two publishers with whom he maintained close personal relations will allow us to discuss the factors that have contributed towards a marginalised and very soon cult writer ending up converted into one of the most indisputable and widely-read authors of Latin American literature. It is interesting to investigate, above all, the relationship between his life and his work and in what sense that relationship contributed towards the gestation of a myth, fuelled by his roots in Chile, Mexico and Catalonia – the three homelands of a cosmopolitan and stateless writer, his independence, his audacity, his critical sense, his sense of adventure, his contributions to the fields of essay, poetry, short stories and novels, as well as his vision of writing as a continual process that only death can interrupt.