When he completed his studies, he emigrated to New York and now lives in Morocco. His narrative work has been translated into English (by Paul Bowles), French and German.
He has written The Beggar's Knife (Peter Owen, 1988); Dust on her Tongue (Peter Owen, 1989); The Pelcari Project (Cadmus Editions, 1999); Lo que soñó Sebastián (Seix Barral, 1994); Que me maten si... (Librería del pensativo, 1996, Seix Barral, 1997); El cojo bueno (Alfaguara, 1996); Con cinco barajas (UNAM, 1996); Ningún lugar sagrado (Seix Barral, Planeta Argentina, Planeta Colombia, Planeta Mexicana, 1998); La orilla africana (Seix Barral, 1999); Las piedras encantadas (Seix Barral, 2001), and El tren en Travancore (Grijalbo Editorial Random House, 2002).