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- Pilar Pedraza
Pilar Pedraza
Born in Toledo in 1951. She is a Doctor of History and lecturer at the University of Valencia. She has translated from the Latin enigmatic works of Renaissance and Baroque works, such as Emblemas de Alciato, Sueño de Polifilo and La fuga de Atalanta. To date she has published several novels, including Las joyas de la serpiente, La fase del rubí and La pequeña Pasión (Tusquets), Las novias inmóviles (Lumen) and Paisaje con reptiles, Piel de Sátiro and Arcano trece (Valdemar). She is also the author of books about film, including Fellini (Cátedra), Metrópolis (Paidós) and La mujer pantera (Nau Llibres), and two essays about figures of femininity: La bella, enigma y pesadilla (Tusquets) and Máquinas de amar (Valdemar). She aims to give her fictional work and her essays a degree of unity, as she considers them to be branches of the same tree. She is a great lover of fantasy literature, which she has always cultivated irrespective of fashions.
For Pilar Pedraza, the most important part of fantasy literature is that it is the essential literature that explains personal stories independently of so-called institutional 'literature'. Monstrousness, death, the phantasm, doubt and the inevitability of reality are some of her favourite themes.
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