(London, 1937) is a historian specialising in the social and cultural history of the early modern age in Europe and an authority on the social history of knowledge. He is well known as one of the great renovators of historiography thanks to his interdisciplinary initiative in favour of exchanges between history, anthropology and sociology. He is Emeritus Professor of Cultural History at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Emmanuel College. He has been a visiting lecturer or fellow at several universities of Europe and the Americas. He is a member of the British Academy and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and has been awarded the distinction of Doctor Honoris Causa by the universities of Lund, Copenhagen and Bucharest. He has published 26 books, which have been translated into more than 31 languages. Notable among them are The Art of Conversation (published in Spanish as Hablar y callar. Funciones sociales del lenguaje a través de la historia, Gedisa, 1996); New Perspectives on Historical Writing (Formas de hacer historia, Alianza, 1999); The Renaissance (El Renacimiento, Crítica, 1999); The European Renaissance: Centres and Peripheries (El Renacimiento europeo. Centros y periferias, Crítica, 2000); A Social History of Knowledge (Historia social del conocimiento. De Gutenberg a Diderot, Paidós, 2002); A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet (Una historia social de los medios de comunicación, Taurus, 2002); Languages and Communities in Early Modern Europe (Lenguas y comunidades en la Europa moderna, Akal, 2006); Cultural Translation in Early Modern Europe (La traducción cultural en la Europa moderna, Akal, 2010); What is Cultural History? (Qué es la historia cultural, Paidós, 2010); Cultural Hybridity (Hibridismo cultural, Akal, 2010); and A Social History of Knowledge (Historia social del conocimiento II. De la Enciclopedia a la Wikipedia, Paidós, 2012).
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