
Pau Vidal

CCCB © Miquel Taverna, 2011

Writer and translator

Pau Vidal (Barcelona, 1967) is the translator, of Camilleri, Tabucchi and Erri de Luca inter alia and also a writer whose works include a humorous satire on paternity, El parevostre (Your Father –Edicions de la Magrana, 2000); a collection of short stories on the urban planning transformation of the Ciutat Vella (Old City) of Barcelona (Home les, Empúries, 2003), which was awarded the Documenta Prize in 2002; and a lament for the disappearance of colloquial language, En perill d’extinció. 100 paraules per salvar (In Danger of Extinction: 100 Words To Save), Empúries, 2005). Aigua bruta (Dirty Water – Empúries, 2007) was his first novel, awarded with the Premi de Literatura Científica 2006, followed by Fronts Oberts (2012).

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