
Lolita Bosch

CCCB © Miquel Taverna, 2011

Activist and author of novels

Lolita Bosch, who was born in Barcelona in 1970, has lived in Albons (Baix Empordà), the United States, India and, for ten years, in Mexico City. Among her published works are Això que veus és un rostre (What You See Is a Face), winner of the 2004 Òmnium Cultural Prize for Literary Experimentation; Tres històries europees (Three European Stories – Caballo de Troya, 2005/ labutxaca, 2010); Qui vam ser (Who We Were – Empúries, 2006); Insòlit somni, insòlita veritat (Amazing Dream, Amazing Truth – Empúries, 2007); and La família del meu pare (My Father’s Family – Empúries, 2008). In 2010 the film adaptation of her novel Elisa Kiseljak was awarded the Special Prize of the Jury at the 58th San Sebastian Film Festival. She has recently published Veus (Voices - Empúries, 2010), an anthology of new Catalan fiction, as well as her first narrative essay on writing, Ara escric (Now I Write – Empúries, 2011), which was also published in Spanish as Ahora escribo (Periférica, 2011).

She has organised the literary festivals “Fet a Mèxic” (Made In Mexico, 2007) and “Fet a Amèrica” (Made In America, 2010) and is founding editor of the blog “Nuestra Aparente Rendición” (Our Apparent Surrender) which, since the summer of 2010, has become a major forum for discussion and reflection on violence in Mexico.
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