
Juan Insua

© CCCB. Miquel Taverna, 2015

Director del CCCB Lab

Juan Insua has been linked since 1993 to the CCCB, where he has worked directing projects from a range of posts and responsibilities.

In the field of literature, he has been curator of the exhibitions:James Joyce’s Dublin”(1995), “The Lisbons of Pessoa” (1997), “The City of K. Kafka and Prague” (1999), Cosmopolis. Borges and Buenos Aires” (2002),Hyperiment. Hypertext Brought into Play” (2004), “Julio Cortázar” (2004), “The World of Gao (2004), Lector Mundi. Ten Thousand Ways to Read” (2005), “Kosmotica” (2008) and Bolaño Archive.1977-2003” (2013), and director of the biennial festival Kosmopolis. Amplified Literature Fest, (2002 – present).

As director of cultural projects and programmes, he was head of the CCCB’s Cultural Activities Service from 2005 to 2010, where he worked in collaboration with groups and collectives of Barcelona and created projects for reflection on current affairs issues such as NOW. Meetings in the Present Continuous, I+C+i. Research and Innovation in the Cultural Sphere, Nano (children’s programme) and BCNmp7 (music programme).

Since 2010 he has directed the CCCB Lab, a department involved in cultural research and innovation which publishes a blog-magazine featuring articles by experts linked to the department’s themes and carries out activities and projects such as Virtual Global Screen, Internet Universe and Cultural Innovation International Prize.

His work has been awarded different prizes and plaudits, prominently including the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona 2003 for the exhibition Cosmopolis. Borges and Buenos Aires and the Medalla FAD 2008, a medal awarded each year by Foment de les Arts i el Disseny (Arts Promotion and Design - FAD).


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