Poet, literary translator, essayist and scientist. Graduate in mathematics, he also studied Philosophy and German Literature. He is a professor of moral Philosophy at the University of Barcelona and vice president of the Scientific Association for the Environment (CiMA). From 2005 he has been a collaborator of the Department of Science, Technology and Society of the Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC and he investigates about sociological issues in ISTAS/CCOO (Institute of Work, Environment and Health). He is also member of the Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica, Environmentalists in action, the Great Project Ape, of CIMA (Científicos por el Medio Ambiente) and of Greenpeace Spain, among other organizations.
Prolific author, he has written essays on poetics and aesthetic reflection in Poesía practicable (1990), Canciones allende lo humano (1998), Una morada en el aire (2003) y Resistencia de materiales (2006), and he has published books of poetry, among others, Cántico de la erosión (1987), Cuaderno de Berlin (1989), Muro con inscripciones (2000) and the latest Conversaciones entre alquimistas (2007). Also he translates French and German literature, especially Heinrich von Kleist, Heiner Müller and René Char, whom he has devoted critical studies. He has obtained recognition for his poetic work in awards like the Premio de Poesía Hiperión (1987), the Premio Gabriel Celaya de Poesía (2000) and the Stendhal of translation (2000). For the last years, he has written about philosophy, politics and ecology in a "trilogy of selfrestraint" -made up by Un mundo vulnerable (2005), Todos los animales somos hermanos (2005) and Gente que no quiere viajar a Marte (2004)- and the recent Biomímesis (2006).