
Jordi Torra

Dr. Jordi Torra Roca, Professor of the Department of Astronomy and Meteorology (UB) and researcher at the ICCUB/IEEC

Jordi Torra is Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics in the Department of Astronomy and Meteorology of the University of Barcelona, where he gained his doctorate in Physics in 1984. He is a member of the IEEC and the ICCUB.

His field of research is the study of galaxy. Until 1997, he worked on the Hipparcos mission of the ESA (European Space Agency), the first space astrometry mission.

He directs the Spanish group taking part in the ESA’s Gaia mission to produce a catalogue with data for over a thousand million stars.

He has been lead researcher in numerous research projects and has published over a hundred articles.

He has been head of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Area of the National Research Plan, a board member of the European Southern Observatory and is currently a member of the European Space Sciences Committee and the Astronomy Working Group of the ESA.

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In praise of darkness The Role of the Night in the Development of Humanity