
Idith Zertal

Idith Zertal, Israeli lecturer in History and essayist, teaches at the Institute for Jewish Studies at the University of Basel (Switzerland). She has written a considerable number of works on the Shoah and Israel, notable amongst which are Des rescapés pour un État. La politique sioniste d’immigration clandestine en Palestine 1945-1948 (Calmann-Lévy, 2000 – published in English as From Catastrophe to Power: Holocaust Survivors and the Emergence of Israel, University of California Press, 1998) and Lords of the Land (Dvir, 2005). Apart from the new Spanish edition (Gredos, 2010), her major work hitherto, Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood, has been translated into Catalan (La nació i la mort, Lleonard Muntaner Editor, 2006). Idith Zertal’s translation into Hebrew of Hannah Arendt’s philosophical diaries has just been published.

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