
Fina Birulés

© CCCB,  Miquel Taverna, 2016

Fina Birulés is a lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona and has been a visiting lecturer at the universities of Puerto Rico, Chile, Parma, Florence and Vienna. Her research is focused on two main themes: political subjectivity, history and action; and issues of feminist theory, and the study of women’s philosophical works with particular attention to the work of Hannah Arendt and other twentieth-century women philosophers. This work is carried out as part of the “Philosophy and Gender” seminar. She has translated several works of contemporary philosophy, has written numerous essays and edited jointly-authored volumes on the work of Hannah Arendt and other contemporary women thinkers. These include Filosofía y género (ed., Philosophy and Gender), El género de la memoria (ed., The Gender of Memory), En torno a Hannah Arendt (About Hannah Arendt – ed., with Manuel Cruz), Hannah Arendt, el orgullo de pensar (ed., Hannah Arendt: The Pride of Thinking), Pensadoras del Siglo XX. Aportaciones al pensamiento filosófico y politico (Women Thinkers of the Twentieth Century: Contributions to Philosophical and Political Thought), and Lectoras de Simone Weil (Readings of Simone Weil), the latter two works edited with Rosa Rius. Notable among her recent publications are Una herencia sin testamento: Hannah Arendt (A Legacy without a Will: Hannah Arendt – Herder, 2007), Entreactes. Entorn del pensament, la política i el feminisme (Intervals: On Thought, Politics and Feminism – El Trabucaire, 2014), and the chapter “Hannah Arendt y la figura de Sócrates” (Hannah Arendt and the Figure of Socrates) in the book Hannah Arendt. El arte de leer (Hannah Arendt: The Art of Reading), edited by Lorena Fuster and Matías Sirczuk (Eudeba and Katz Editores, 2017).

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