He gained his doctored in Literature and Philosophy at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. He graduated in Literature and Philosophy, Hispanic Philology.
Professional Appointments: July-2002-to the present: Full Professor of Hispanic Studies, Brown University, Rhode Island. July 1997-to the present: Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies (tenured), Brown University, Rhode Island.
Books as: La crisi de la paraula. La Poesia Visual: un discurs poètic alternatiu, Edicions 62, Barcelona 2003 (in press); Pintura en el aire. Arte y literatura en la modernidad hispánica, Valencia, Editorial Pre-Textos, 2001; Voces en el Museo. Arte y literatura en la modernidad, Miami, North South Center, 1997; "Somnis" de Guerau de Liost, Barcelona, Editorial Empúries, 1993; Papers privats. Assaig sobre les formes literàries autobiogràfiques, Barcelona, Edicions 62, 1993; Poesia i Sistema. La revolució simbolista a Catalunya, Editorial Empúries, 1989, La poesia de Guerau de Liost: Natura, Amor, Humor, Ed. 62, 1985.
Editions as: Pedro Salinas, Cartas a Katherine Whitmore. (1932-1947), Barcelona, Editorial Tusquets, 2002; Nou Diccionari 62 de la Literatura Catalana, Barcelona, Ed. 62, 2000; Pere Gimferrer, Antologia poètica, Barcelona, Ed. 62, 1999; Sin fronteras: Ensayos de Literatura Comparada en homenaje a Claudio Guillén (with Darío Villanueva and Antonio Monegal), Madrid, Editorial Castalia, 1999; Pedro Salinas, Cartas de viaje, Valencia, Editorial Pre-Textos, 1996; Creació i Crítica en la Literatura catalana (with Ramon Pla i Arxé), Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 1993, etc.
He has also written chapters in books, journal articles and book reviews for several european universities and for the Universitat de Barcelona. Invited lectures from european and american universities. He has also written pedagogical material: Paral.lel. Material Auditiu per a l'ensenyament del català, Madrid, Ed. 62, 1983.
Research in progress: A monograph on City and Literature, a long-term project on Exile and Travel literature, Catalan Bibliography in collaboration with Scholarly Technology Group, Brown University, and Spanish Culture from the 1960's.
Service to the University: Chair Hispanic Studies, (July 2002 to the present), Member of the FACC, 2000-03...
Service to the profession: Member of the editorial board "Clàssics Catalans" Proa Barcelona, 1999-to the present, Madrid, 1994 to the present; founding member of the Sociedad Geográfica Española, Madrid 1997 to the present; reader for PMLA (MLA, New York); reviewer for El Periódico (Barcelona) 1998 to the present; member of the editorial board "Cuadernos Cervantes" (Madrid), 1994-to the present; coordination of a bimonthly section on Multimedia issues, "Cuadernos Cervantes" (Madrid), 1994 to the present. He has received many Awards for his Professional activity.