
Edgardo Cozarinsky

(Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1939)

Born in Buenos Aires in 1939. He was son of Russian émigrés and resident in Paris since 1974. This unpredictable writer is the master of an extremely refined yet vital, ironic and devastating literary world. In essence an exile whose true fatherland is the world of books and film, alongside his rigorous and spread-out literary output, Cozarinsky is also responsible for a major body of work as a filmmaker. He has published three books of essay: El laberinto de la apariencia, Borges en/y/sobre cine, El pase del testigo and Sobre algo indefendible. His films include Puntos suspensivos (1973); La guerra de un solo hombre (1981), about Ernst Junger; Retrato de Borges en Aleph (1993), El violín de Rothschild (1996) and Fantasmas de Tánger (1997). His literary and cinematographic work reflects a series of enigmas or intrigues pronounced by successive sphinxes, but the truth, with a capital T, is forbidden to. In 2002, La novia de Odessa and Borges y el cinematógrafo were published in Spain, both by Emecé Editores.

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