
Celia Marín

© CCCB, Miquel Taverna, 2017

Celia Marín graduated as an architect from the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona (UPC) in 2008. She took her master’s degree in the Theory and History of Architecture where she was awarded a distinction for her thesis “Antropografía del Barrio Chino. Arquitectura o Revolución” (Anthropography of the Chinese Quarter: Architecture or Revolution). She is currently a PhD student on the History programme at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She has been associate professor at the Department of Theory and History of Architecture and Communication Technologies at the ETSAB-UPCtech since 2009, where among other subjects, she teaches classes on Introduction to Architectural Theory and together with colleague Antonio Pizza coordinates the subject Architecture and City in Cinema. She has worked as a documentalist undertaking research for exhibitions related with culture and modern architecture at centres such as the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (“A.C.: The GATEPAC Magazine”), the Arts Santa Mònica (“Architectures Without A Place”) and the Museu Picasso (“Picasso 1936”). She is secretary of the jury for the CCCB’s Cultural Innovation International Award and habitual collaborator of the Fundació Mies van der Rohe.

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