
Bartomeu Ferrando

(Valčncia, Spain, 1951)
© Martí Guillem

Performer and visual poet. He is a professor of inter-media art and performance at the Universitat Politècnica de València.

As a performer and poet he has participated in festivals and international meetings in Europe, Canada, USA, Mexico, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Byelorussia, Argentina and Chile. He has exhibited his visual poetry and poetic installations in diverse cities in Spain, Italy and France. He is also a part of the groups Flatus Vocis Trio, Taller de Música Mundana and Rojo, dedicated to the development of creative situations that fuse music, poetry and action art.

He is a founder of the experimental poetry workshop Texto Poético, has published the book of short essays Hacia una poesía del hacer (1980), La mirada móvil (2000) and El Arte intermedia (2003), as well as various poetry collections and recordings in MC, LP, CD, video and DVD of his poetic performances.

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