Professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the Department of Humanities of the Pompeu Fabra University
Antonio Monegal graduated in Philosophy at Barcelona University in 1980 and gained his doctorate at Harvard University in 1989. He was lecturer at Cornell University for several years, and has also lectured at Harvard and Princeton Universities. He is the author, among other publications, of the books Luis Buñuel de la literatura al cine: Una poética del objeto (Anthropos, 1993) and En los límites de la diferencia: Poesía e imagen en las vanguardias hispánicas (Tecnos, 1998), editor of the works of García Lorca El público y El sueño de la vida (Alianza, 2000) and Viaje a la luna (Pre-Textos, 1994), and coordinator of the anthology Literatura y pintura (Arco/Libros, 2000). Recently, he has compiled the book Política y (po)ética de las imágenes de guerra (Paidós, 2007). He was one of the curators of the exhibition “At war” prepared by the CCCB for the Barcelona Forum 2004. He presently coordinates the Master’s degree on Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Thought at the Department of Humanities of the Pompeu Fabra University.