
Albert Cortina

A lawyer and director of the DTUM Studio, a consultancy service in the field of territorial and urban planning, he has advised different governments and public and private entities on the implementation of territorial and urban plans and landscape protection. Among other projects, he has been a legal adviser for the landscape laws of Catalonia and Galicia and co-drafter of the Landscape Charters of the Penedès and Berguedà regions of Catalonia. He also participated, as an expert of the Spanish Ministry of Environment, in the implementation of the European Landscape Convention. Moreover, he has taught in a number of universities and co-directed the Master’s Degree in Landscape Intervention and Management at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1999 – 2006). He recently co-edited, with Jaume Busquets, the book Gestión del paisaje. Manual de protección, gestión y ordenación del paisaje (Landscape Management: Manual of Landscape Protection, Management and Regulation – Ariel, 2009).


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