
Friday 27 March, 17:30

The Planet

Beyond environmental problems, our planet is experiencing a series of overall global changes that make it seem as though we may be exhausting its ability to sustain life.


Our planet is experiencing a series of overall global changes that make it seem as though we may be exhausting its capacity to sustain life. Beyond climate change, there is also environmental degradation, the extinction of species, the human population explosion, industry expansion... This film explains just how quickly the earth is changing, through interviews with activists, environmentalists, writers and scientists, including Jared Diamond and George Morbiot. As a result of globalisation, for the first time in history, what we do at home can impact on the ecosystem on the other side of the world, and a change of mentality is necessary if a solution is to be found.

Directed by Johan Söderberg, Michael Stenberg and Linus Torell

Eco Factor, Emerging Culture
Space at the CCCB
The Auditorium

General information

Space at the CCCB

The Auditorium

NOW opening times:
Wednesday March 25, open from 5 to 9.30 pm
Thursday 26 through Saturday 28, open from 11 am to 10 pm

Free admission to all activities
Registration required in advance for workshops. Tel: (+34) 933.064.135. E-mail: [email protected]. CCCB reserves the right to modify the schedule for reasons beyond its control.

Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona. Tel.: +34 933 064 100. www.cccb.org/now