
Tuesday 08 April, 19:30 h

Post-it City. Occasional Urbanities

Project Presentation

“Post-it City. Occasional Urbanities” is an exhibition that explores various mechanisms for the temporary occupation of public space around the world.

This cycle of meetings aims to take a closer look at some of the projects related with the exhibition and contribute to reflection on the condition of contemporary public space.


1.60 insurgent space

Stefano Romano

Stefano Romano (Naples, 1975) Italian artist, freelance curator and lecturer at the Carrara Accademia di Belle Arti in Bergamo, presents 1.60 Insurgent space, an artistic project developed in the course of 2005 and 2006 in outlying areas of Tirana. Artists temporarily occupied various public spaces, turning them into “stages” for different artistic experiences.

Presented and moderated by Marti Peran, Barcelona, exhibition curator



Forthcoming presentations

15 April: Lucia Babina, Rotterdam

22 April: Franco La Cecla, Barcelona

29 April: Joseph Grima, New York

The presentations will be given in English, without interpretation.