
Thursday from 9.30am to 1.30 pm and from 4 to 7.30pm. Friday from 9.30am to 1.30pm

Open All Areas Barcelona

The project Open All Areas is  a European knowledge exchange programme between seven different organisations working in cultural audience development. The project aims to find ways to overcome cultural exclusion and to achieve cultural access for everyone. Within the project, there will be seven different workshops to discuss and specially to learn from others. The organisations linked to the project are Audiences Europe Network, Rotterdam Festivals, ECCOM, Danish Center for Arts&Interculture, Demos, Audiences Norway, Audiences Northern Ireland and CCCB-articketBCN, and is taking place thanks to the Grundtvig help of the European Union.

The Barcelona event presents some case studies of long term projects in inclusion of non-users adults, that started small and are now good practice examples for other institutions.

Thursday 14                Venue: MACBA

9.30 am                Reception of guests and presentation

10 am                   Museums and accessibility .

                               Presentation of two case studies and discussion

Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya – MNAC. Teresa González, head of Education Department, and Fina Alert, director of the Association Susoespai, creation and mental health, present Museum, a place for all, a long term programme involving adults with cerebral paralysis, learning difficulties and mental disorders in the museum.

Museu Marítim de Barcelona. Mireia Mayolas, head of education services, presents how the museum is involved as a whole in social responsibility, with long term programmes with all kinds of target groups.

11.30 am             coffee break

12 pm                   Two case studies and discussion

Museu Picasso de Barcelona. Anna Guarro, presents the project Memory for grandparents, organized for the older people living close to the museum.

Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona – CCCB. Teresa Pérez and Mònica Muñoz present the project Alzheimart, a programme for Alzheimer sufferers and their caretakers.

1.30 pm               Lunch (not included) and change of venue

                                Venue: CCCB

4  pm                     Culture for all

                               Presentation of two case studies and discussion

Fundació Tot Raval. Elisa Covelo presents Raval(s) this cluster that includes all the cultural institutions of the district together with the neighbourhood associations and immigration groups, working together each year in a joint cultural festival, among other projects.

Almazén. Macarena de la Vega presents Raval Zirkus, a project that is based on using circus for integration

5.30 pm               coffee break                    

                6 pm                     Two case studies and discussion

Alta Realitat. Jordi Cortés, dancer and choreographer, presents Integrated Dance, where this contemporary dance company works towards integration through dance, and incorporates dance professionals with or without disabilities.

Fundació La Caixa. Gloria Cid presents a new theater project towards the integration of immigrants, directed by Alex Rigola, that will have the opening at the festival Temproada Alta this year.

                7.30 pm               end of the day

Friday 15                Venue: Fundació Antoni Tàpies

9.30 am                Two case studies and discussion

L’Auditori. Assumpció Malagarriga, Head of L’Auditori: Educa, presents the socio-educational project of L’Auditori, and specially their programmes in integration through music such as concerts, Cantània, A morning with Orchestra and It’s your turn.

Apropa Cultura. Sonia Gainza, director of Apropa Cultura and head of L’Auditori Apropa, presents this joint programme of all the catalan auditoriums and theaters, where this year museums have been added,in offering lots of cultural activities for groups in risk of social exclusion.

11 am                    coffee break

11.30 am             Presentation of a case study and discussion

Eclectic, a Festival of Tarragona , Romà Solé presents this festival that reunites each year the different integration projects in scenic arts around Catalonia

12.30 pm             Conclusions

1.30 pm               End of event

