
morning and afternoon

The collaboration between the State and the Autonomous Communities III

The collaboration between the regions, both among themselves and with the State, is and has been a constant in the functioning of our constitutional system, with many advances in joint solutions but also with unresolved conflicts and tensions. The course aims to analyze, through the intervention of people familiar with the matter, the different instruments and collaborative relationships between diferent administration in different subjects.


Directed by:  Joan Vintró, Professor of Constitutional Law. Universitat de Barcelona

The Present Continuous, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Open Science, Psi Particle, Art Now, Eco Factor, Emerging Culture, Cybersphere, New Activism


Consortium of the Menéndez y Pelayo International University of Barcelona
Diputació de Barcelona
Other credits:

Sponsored by: Departament de Governació i Relacions Institucionals. Generalitat de Catalunya