
This month Arturo Bastón

Screen at the CCCB presents a selection of films by Arturo Bastón.


Screen at the CCCB presents Arturo Bastón, a self-taught film director who, after learning a little about cinema and a little about photography in his native city of Mexico City, moved to Barcelona in 1995 to be with the woman he loved. Since then, he has worked in many areas of the city's audiovisual and cultural scene.
He is currently director of Arthur Cane Inc. and he is a founding member (together with Félix Pérez-Hita and Kikol Grau) of Gabinete de crisis. Un programa de televisión que no verá en televisión, which has been running since 2001.


1. Doped frames: drogas ficticias 2004 2'13''
A sixth part of the programme Doped frames: Una breve mirada al cine drogado, produced for Boing Boing Buddha. The remaining five parts are: alcohol, marihuana, and hashish, LSD, cocaine and heroin.

2. Ministorias silvestres I 2002 1'13''
A simple cartoon about the love relationship between two small post-human animals.

3. Hemos arribado 2001 1'43''
A video based on the work of Guillermo Gómez-Peña and his Retratos de identidad fetiche.

4. Gaviotas 2003 2'08''
Second place in the 143 Delicias Festival in Barcelona in 2003.

5. Ministorias silvestres II 2002 30''
Second part of the saga.

6. Superación personal 2004 1'41''
An example of a radio programme by the HCRH (H. Committee for Human Recognition). Association of Mexican subversive art. Piece included in the Gabinete de crisis 3.

7. Doped frames: LSD 2004 4'04''
See 1.

8. La crucificción considerada como una carrera de automóviles cuesta arriba 2001 1'55''
Freely inspired by The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Considered as a Downhill Motor Race, by J. G. Ballard, which in turn is inspired by Alfred Jarry's The Crucifixion considered as an Uphill Bicycle Race. Video included in Gabinete de crisis 2.

9. La mosca y la araña 2004 48''
A simple cartoon inspired by a short piece of writing by Paul Valery.

10. Fundación adopte un escritor 2005 2'33''
A video commissioned by the same foundation, whose founder and sole authorized member is Rubén Bonet.

11. Ministorias silvestres III 2002 56''
Third and final part.

12. Dando ideas 2007 3'11''
A video created for the Gabinete de crisis 6, based on a web site found by Félix Pérez-Hita and broadcast free by Rubén Bonet.

13. Un pesebre posmoderno 2004 1'33''
A piece commissioned by Metropolis for its Christmas programme Navitrash in 2004.

14. Staying alive 2001 1'30''
A video clip over 6 years old, but still relevant today.

15. Doped frames: heroína 2004 4'12''
See 1.