
Thursday 26 March, 19:00

From Crisis to Transformation

Navigating Through Times of Uncertainty

The economic crisis is only a part of a broader crisis with other significant dimensions, such as the ecological crisis or the "crisis of representation" -the crisis in our way of understanding the world.


Along with other old, false certainties, unlimited economic growth now reveals itself as a mirage. This period of dissolution of old certainties is also a critical time in which everything is shifting and everything can change. Are we moving towards a more authoritarian and reckless world or, gradually, towards a more participatory, fair and ecological culture?
Susan George, Joan Martínez Alier
Jordi Pigem
Eco Factor, Emerging Culture, New Activism
Space at the CCCB

General information

Space at the CCCB


NOW opening times:
Wednesday March 25, open from 5 to 9.30 pm
Thursday 26 through Saturday 28, open from 11 am to 10 pm

Free admission to all activities
Registration required in advance for workshops. Tel: (+34) 933.064.135. E-mail: seducatiu@cccb.org. CCCB reserves the right to modify the schedule for reasons beyond its control.

Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona. Tel.: +34 933 064 100. www.cccb.org/now