
17:00 to 20:30

Big Data Week. Opening session

Who is #opendata open for?

Opening session: who is #opendata open for?

We invite public institutions that are already organizing open data initiatives and projects, companies that reuse data and other users (researchers, teachers, scientists, journalists, artists and members of civil society in general).

Government agencies are the main consumers of open data, benefiting internally. We’ll be asking these agencies what their aims are, what cultural, political and technological barriers they find, and how they accommodate the needs of reusers.

In the form of lightning talks, government agencies will present their data catalogues (formats, files, web services, platforms…) and we’ll see applications developed for using them, for these agencies and third parties.

Consult the hackathon and scheduled workshops here.

More details and the full programme.




Catalunya Dades, Media 140