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Materials to work in the classroom

The CCCB organizes many different projects that generate a series of resources and materials, learning and working processes, interactions and knowledge in relation to the big debates that structure contemporary society, for reuse in class.

In this space, we aim to make available to everyone these materials on such topical themes as science and technology, experimentation and creation, mental health, and thinking and debate.

If you have any questions or if you need help to adapt them to your classroom, contact us at [email protected].


Science and technology 

Mission ALIA

Alongside the exhibition Mars. The Red Mirror and in collaboration with the Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC). In response to scientific discoveries about the universe and the exploration of Mars, this project addresses the contradictions, crossroads and paradoxes raised by the way we inhabit the Earth. The project contains a first part of research and documentation about the red planet and a second part for creation. The ultimate goal is to create science-fiction stories involving a scientific, moral and ethical problem raised by space research and the challenge of making Mars—and Earth—a habitable place.

Recommended age: 4th year of compulsory secondary education and 1st year of baccalaureate

Educational materials generated in 2020/2021


ALIA. Cities and Health

In collaboration with the Institut de Salut Global de Barcelona and Col·lectiu Mixité, this project sets out to imagine the future of our cities and rethink their link with human and planetary health. It contains a first part of research and documentation and a second part for creating speculative infographics that reconsider the link between city and health, imagining other possible cities.

Recommended age: 4th year of compulsory secondary education and 1st year of baccalaureate

Educational materials generated in 2021/2022


ALIA. Consciousness in Cartoon Vignettes

Alongside the exhibitions Brains(s) and Graphic Constellation, and in collaboration with the Center for Brain and Cognition (UPF) and Escola JOSO. This project investigates the mysteries of human consciousness using the comic as a language of scientific dissemination. It contains a first part of research and documentation and a second part for creating an informative comic script about consciousness, based on one of its three dimensions: perception, memory and language.

Recommended age: 4th year of compulsory secondary education and 1st year of baccalaureate

Educational materials generated in 2022/2023


ALIA. Artificial Intelligence

Alongside the exhibition AI: Artificial Intelligence, in collaboration with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS). We investigate the functioning and the possibilities that Artificial Intelligence can give us in a creative process. The aim of the project is to answer the question: how is a process of collective creation with a machine? With this research we collaborate with the AI to create the lyrics, the music, and the videoclip of an urban music song.

- ALIA Teaching Dossier (Català, PDF)  

- Record of the lectures of the BSC scientists with students at the CCCB in November 2023.

Recommended age: 4th year of compulsory secondary education and 1st year of baccalaureate

Educational materials generated in 2023/2024


ALIA. Forests

Alongside the exhibition Amazons. The Ancestral Future, in collaboration with the Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals (Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications-CREAF) and the writer and journalist Gabi Martínez. We investigate the forest as a space that is both natural and cultural. Thinking about the forest allows us to further explore some of the most urgent challenges of our present, such as the ecological crisis and the degradation of nature. The aim of the project is to answer the question: How do we look at the forest and what impact does this look have? With this research the students write a story about the forest from the point of view of its animal and plant inhabitants.

Recommended age: 4th year of compulsory secondary education and 1st year of baccalaureate

Educational materials generated in 2024/2025


Experimentation and creation

Bioscope. Anti-Selfies

Two workshops to explore identity and self-representation through documentary animation and artistic expression. Creation of animated portraits about our changing identity and anti-selfies.

Recommended age: Primary and compulsory secondary education

Educational materials generated in 2021/2022


Bioscope. Imaginary Creatures

Three workshops in the field of speculative zoology to explore documentary animation and artistic expression. Creation of microscopic beings, complementary beings using stop motion, and beings that evolve and co-evolve thanks to artificial intelligence.

Recommended age: Primary and compulsory secondary education

Educational materials generated in 2021/2022


Bioscope. Life Stories

Three workshops about telling our stories based on documentary animation and artistic expression. Creation of small-scale short films in the form of a monologue, a dialogue or a talk to discover animation as a biographical tool.

Recommended age: Primary and compulsory secondary education

Educational materials generated in 2021/2022


Llaminadures cinematogràfiques

Here you’ll find special teaching materials to work experimental cinema in the classroom, based on material from the CCCB's Xcentric Archive.

Recommended levels: compulsory secondary education and baccalaureate


Thinking and debate

Talks for secondary students

Talks for secondary students to bring the big debates of the moment closer to young people, with foremost speakers on the issues under discussion and a space for debate and conversation.

Here you’ll find a playlist of all the talks for secondary students 

The following talks have special teaching materials to work on the contents in class:

Recommended age: compulsory secondary education and baccalaureate


Mental health

Vade mecum

A guide to reproducing a workshop on creativity and mental health for young people, This tarot is a safe place, as part of the *Locus project. The aim is to individually create a card using collage to form a collective tarot pack, calling for coexistence with madness based on mutual support and addressing mental health issues.

Recommended age: compulsory secondary education, baccalaureate and vocational training

Educational materials generated in 2022 

Full list of previous activities