Leticia Sabsay
Associate Professor in Gender and Contemporary Culture at the Department of Gender Studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Prior to this appointment, she held a lectureship at the Department of Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck College, University of London, and was a research associate at the Department of Politics and International Studies, The Open University. Before moving to the UK, she was a lecturer at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) for over ten years, and carried out postdoctoral research at the Freie Universitat of Berlin (Germany).
Dr Sabsay’s work interrogates the entanglement between sexuality, subjectivity and political ideals of freedom and justice as processes of cultural translation, both across disciplines and transnational contexts. Throughout her career, Leticia also developed an enduring interest in theories of performativity and discourse, which led her to publish extensively on Judith’s Butler work. This perspective has been central to her current research on disputed ideas of democracy, and how emergent struggles contesting how bodies are differently valued across gender, sexual, and racial lines among others, are embodied in cultural, artistic and political practices, activism and social movements.
Update: 5 April 2022