Coordinator of Architectural Studies at the Polytechnic School of the University of Girona since 2006 and lecturer in Projects since 2005, Josep Fuses Comalada also taught History of Contemporary Art at the University of Girona from 1997 to 2005, and Projects at the La Salle School of Architecture at the Ramon Llull University of Barcelona from 1998 to 2005. He has worked in the professional sphere with Joan Maria Viader Martí since 1979. He presented his PhD dissertation, “The Architecture of Reality”, a study on the Pilar Prim group, in 2011. The Fuses-Viader Studio has won several competitions in Catalonia and was also awarded first prize in the competition for the new Court of Justice building in Paris (2007). He has lectured on his work at several universities and colleges in Spain and Europe, and has published articles and studies in a range of specialist reviews (Quaderns, El Croquis, A+U, Detail and Architecture d´aujourd´hui).