Inés Macpherson
BA in Philosophy and Oral Narrator
Philosophy graduate and, since 2010, a reader, corrector and editor in the publishing world. She is also an oral storyteller, specializing in original literary stories. She took part as a narrator in the cycle "The Invasion of Science Fiction" organized by Libraries of Barcelona to mark the centenary of Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov and Frank Herbert. She ran a virtual science fiction book club, organized by the Xarxa de Biblioteques, and a literary genre course for La Tribu Llibreria: "Female Genre Writers, a Journey through Terror and Science Fiction". She writes about books in La Vanguardia.
She is the author of the novel for young adults El secreto de Lucia Morke (La Galera, 2011) and an illustrated version of the legend of Saint George: Santa Jordina (La Galera, 2017). She has also contributed to the anthologies Extraordinàries. Noves autores de l’insòlit (Males Herbes, 2020), Paper Cremat. 10 contes per a 100 anys de Ray Bradbury (Apostroph, 2020), Contes per al (des)confinament (Males Herbes, 2020) and other short story collections.
Update: 23 May 2024