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Gerard Talavera

PhD in biology and expert in butterfly migrations

Gerard Talavera is an entomologist and currently works as a researcher for the CSIC at the Institut Botànic de Barcelona (IBB). In the past he has worked as a researcher at renowned institutions such as the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University and the Institute of Evolutionary Biology at CISC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Much of his research has focused on the study of insect biodiversity and its evolution, specialising in the migrations of the butterfly Vanessa cardui. This specialty has a heavy fieldwork component, which has made Talavera a great communicator of knowledge about the nature and biodiversity of our planet. Throughout his career, he has led expeditions to more than 30 countries around the world and has participated in numerous outreach activities in collaboration with institutions such as Biblioteques de Barcelona, the public library system in Barcelona, or National Geographic, among many others.

Update: 28 October 2021


Has participated in

A morning with Gerard Talavera

Learning from Butterflies