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Elizabeth Duval

Writer, philosopher and critic

With degrees in Philosophy and French Philology from Paris I Panteón-Sorbonne and Sorbonne Nouvelle universities, she is a writer, philosopher, critic, and one of her generation’s well-known media personalities, working with such outlets as Playz, CTXT, and Rockdelux. She has recently published the poetry collection Poserótica (2023), the long poem Excepción (Letraversal, 2020), the novels Reina (Queen, Caballo de Troya, 2020) and Madrid será la tumba (Lengua de Trapo, 2021 – in English, Madrid Will Be Their Tomb, Fum d'Estampa Press, 2023), and the essays Después de lo trans (After Trans, La Caja Books, 2021) and Melancolía (Melancholy, Temas de Hoy, 2023), as well as contributions to several fiction anthologies, including Cuadernos de Medusa (Amor de Madre, 2018) and Asalto a Oz. Voces de la nueva narrativa queer (Dos Bigotes, 2019). Together with Lara Hernández, Txema Guijarro, and Rosa Martínez, she is currently a member of the Coordination Group of the political coalition Sumar. 

Update: 9 December 2024


Has participated in

"The Second Sex" by Simone de Beauvoir

The power of a book

Zoomer Culture