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Grec. Festival de Barcelona

Parallel activities

Scene + Music


Grec Experimental CCCB is a series of activities parallel to the Grec’s programme at the CCCB. It involves talks, screenings and concerts open to the public that explore the themes and arguments presented by performances, and developing some of the most stimulating ideas.

Thursday 13 June
7 pm, Auditori CCCB

In parallel with MONTALDO

Vamos a contar mentiras
“Art, fiction, reality”
Talk with Bani Brusadin, Ernesto Collado, Jorge Luis Marzo and Job Ramos

Ernesto Collado presents Montaldo as half documentary, half road tale. Which part is documentary, which part fiction? Where is the line between objectivity and subjectivity?

And does it really matter?

The guests, with Ernesto Collado as moderator, will be talking about the role of reality and fiction in artistic practice. “The old debate between truth and falsehood has been replaced by another, between lying well and lying badly”, to quote Joan Fontcuberta. So perhaps we’re just listening to a whole load of lies... But lies well told, at least.

--- With the participation of Bani Brusadin, culture producer and independent researcher in the field where art, digital technologies, new popular cultures and politics come together; Ernesto Collado, actor and intermittent creator on the contemporary Barcelona scene, author and performer of Montaldo; Jorge Luis Marzo, art historian, exhibition curator, researcher, essayist and lecturer, and Job Ramos, an artist who works with installation, object art, soundscapes and photography.

Saturday 29 June
7 pm, Sala Teatre (Teatre CCCB)

In parallel with JO MAI

“JO MAI Day”
If not for my friends

The characters in Jo mai are a group of young people who, having been abandoned at an early age, take refuge in friendship and in the abandoned bar of the mother of one of the group. Bar Amparo is their project and their place; a house where they find refuge and create, among the group of friends, the family links they have never had.

“JO MAI Day” takes a closer look at the portrait of these characters, as though we’d met them in Bar Amparo. The session includes the presentation and screening of the short film Dibujo de David (2007) and premieres the video clip At the gates by Barcelona group Nitch, both pieces directed by Iván Morales, the author of Jo mai, in keeping with the story of the play. “JO MAI Day” closes with a live performance by Nitch, who made the soundtrack of Jo mai.

--- With the participation of Iván Morales, director of Jo mai; Laura Cabello, Àlex Monner, Oriol Pla i Xavi Sáez, actors of Jo mai, and the band Nitch.

Friday 5 July
7 pm, Sala Teatre (Teatre CCCB)

In parallel with MONTALDO

Icaria, utopia now

“When we found out that a young man from Barcelona called Joan Rovira had left Barcelona to form part of the first Icarian expedition to the United States, we decided to follow in his steps. [...] Taking the Icarians’ route as they fell back from Texas to Louisiana, over Christmas 2010 we found ourselves travelling not only through the remains of their utopia, but also through the decline of the American dream. At the point where these historic events collide with the places and the people that conserve their memory, new meanings can emerge about life in community.” (Daniel García and Aurelio Medina, authors of Christmas in Icaria).

“MONTALDO Day” takes a fresh look at Cabet’s movement and the utopian city of Icaria with a screening of the documentary Christmas in Icaria (2012), presented by Daniel García and Aurelio Medina, its directors. Afterwards, Ernesto Collado, creator and performer of Montaldo, will give a talk about the link between the documentary and his work, presenting his creative and working process from the viewpoint of author.

--- With the participation of Daniel García and Aurelio Medina, producers of Christmas in Icaria, and Ernesto Collado, actor and intermittent creator on the contemporary Barcelona scene, author and performer of Montaldo.


In addition to these activities, on 10 and 23 July there will be previews of Montaldo and Jo mai, respectively. The Montaldo session is aimed at local and international creative utopians. The preview of Jo mai will be attended by young local people, the real stars of the show.

If you’d like to attend either of these sessions (10 and 23 July), write to [email protected].

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