Serge Latouche holds a degree in Political Science and a PhD in Philosophy.
Self-defined as a "growth objector", he sustains that the current model of economic growth is unsustainable and needs to be replaced by a model of de-growth.
He is one of the historical contributors to the magazine La Revue du M.A.U.S.S. and professor emeritus at the Jean Monnet Faculty of Law, Economics and Management at Paris-Sud 11 University (Sceaux). He is also honorary president of the Ligne d'horizon (association for friends of François Partant) and president of the Association des amis d'Entropia (magazine for growth objectors).
His written works include In the Wake of the Affluent Society: An Exploration of Post-Development (1993), The Westernization of the World: Significance, Scope and Limits of the Drive Towards Global Uniformity (1996), L'invention de l'économie ("The Invention of Economy", 2004), Survivre au développement ("Surviving Developement", 2004), Le pari de la décroissance, ("The Bet for De-growth", 2006) and Petit traité de la décroissance sereine ("Brief Treatise on Serene De-growth", 2007).